A unique opportunity for research career in Science & Technology
CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow, a premier plant science research institute under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), involved in multidisciplinary R&D programmes of both basic and applied nature across scientific disciplines for economic, environmental and societal benefits for the people of India. CSIR-NBRI undertakes basic and applied research in strategically important areas of Plant Sciences including plant systematics and biodiversity, conservation biology, environmental biology, floriculture,plant-microbe interactions, plant Biotechnology, genetic engineering and Bioinformatics.
Applications are invited from enthusiastic, young Indian researchers having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements alongwith requisite experience and a high degree of motivation and desire to take up research as career in the field of Plant research to fill up the vacancy, including Backlog vacancies of following Scientific posts as per the details given below:-
Designation | No of Posts | Pay band | Grade pay | Total emoluments | Upper age limit not exceeding (as on last date) |
Scientist |
Rs 15600-39100 (PB-3) | Rs 6600/- |
Rs 56460/- approx. | 32 years | |
Senior Scientist | Total no 8 |
Rs 15600-39100 (PB-3) | Rs 7600/- |
Rs 64760/- approx. | 37 years |
Post code & Area: S-01 Area : Plant Biotechnology (Tissue Culture)
- Essential educational qualifications & experience:
- For Scientist: Ph.D. (submitted/ awarded) in Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Sciences/ Biochemistry
- For Senior Scientist: Ph.D. in Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Sciences/Bio-chemistry with 02 years research experience in plant tissue culture / plant genetic transfor-mation and in vitro genetic manip-ulations and expression of heterologous proteins in plants as evidenced by high quality research publications
- Desirable experience: Applicants should have good experience of plant tissue culture, genetic transforma-tion and greenhouse practices,phenotypic analysis and plant mole-cular biology to characteri-ze transgenic plants and regulation and expression of genes in plants as evidenced by high quality research publications
- Job specification: To plan and execute research on in situ conservation of economically important plants and elite plants species, their mass propagation; in vivo genetic manipulationscreening and characterization of transgenics and application of biotechnological techniques for plant improvement
Post code & Area: S-02 Area: Breeding of Ornamental Plants
- Essential educational qualifications & experience:
- Desirable experience: Specialization in breeding and impro-vement of ornamental crops, varietal release and applications of biotechno-logical tools for plant improvement as evidenced by high quality research publications
- Job specification: To work in projects related to genetic improvement of ornamentals and flowering plants using conventional and biotechnological tools and molecular breeding approaches
Post code & Area: S-03 Area: Plant Virology
- Essential educational qualifications & experience:
- For Scientist: Ph. D. (submitted/ awarded) in Botany/Biotechnology/Plant Pathology in the area of plant virology
- For Senior Scientist: Ph.D. in Botany/ Biotechnology/Plant Pathology in the area of plant virology with two years research experience
- Desirable experience: Specialization in detection & identify-cation of plant viruses and their management. Sound know-ledge and experience of modern mole-cular biology techniques used for plant virus studies as evidenced by quality publications
- Job specification: Designing and conducting experiments for diagnosis of plant viral diseases, molecular characterization of viruses, production of biological reagents and diagnostic kits, production of recombinant proteins, expression of viral genes in plants
Post code & Area: S-04 Area : Root Biology
- Essential educational qualifications & experience:
- For Scientist: Ph. D. (Thesis submitted/ awarded) in Botany/Plant Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology
- For Senior Scientist: Ph. D. in Botany/Plant Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology with two years research experience
- Desirable experience: Candidates with strong publication records in the field of root biology, root architecture and its role in plant nutrient acquisition and plant development and morphoge-nesis
- Job specification: To develop state-of-the-art facility and infrastructure for the study of root biology and development. To conduct advanced research in the area of root biology/root physiology/root responses to edaphic stress/identification and mapping of traits for adaptation to edaphic stress
Post code & Area: S-05 Area: Agri-Business Management
- Essential educational qualifications & experience:
- For Scientist: Ph. D. (Thesis submitted/ awarded) in Botany/Plant Sciences or M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Sciences with Post Graduate degree in Intellectual Property Law (1st class or 60% on an aggregate or equivalent GPA)
- For Senior Scientist: Ph.D. in Botany/Plant Sciences with two years research experience or M.Sc. in Botany/Plant Sciences with M.B.A. or Post Graduate degree in Intellectual Property Law with three years research experience
- Desirable experience: One year experience in agribiotechn-ology/natural plant products/ ethnobotany / Plant Mirobe Interaction related R&D, excellent communica-tion skills
- Job specification: Development and implementation of strategies for product development/ technology marketing and act as an effective interface between scientists and technology's business customers, devising and executing business and marketing strategy for knowledge base of the institute
Post code & Area: S-06, Area: Plant Taxonomy (Lower plants)
- Essential educational qualifications & experience:
- For Scientist: Ph.D.(submitted/awarded) in Botany/Plant Science/Biotechnology
- For Senior Scientist: Ph.D. in Botany/Plant Science/Biotechnology with two years research experience
- Desirable experience: Specialization in taxonomy, reproductive biology, physiology, growth and structural biology of lower group of plants as evidenced by high quality research publications
- Job specification: To undertake research work on taxonomy, developmental, reproductive biology, bioprospecting of lower plants
Post code & Area: S-07 Area: Plant Taxonomy (Higher Plants)
- Essential educational qualifications & experience:
- Desirable experience: Research experience in plant taxonomy/biosystematics/ population biology/floral diversity/ genetic diversity/ herbarium management as evidenced by high quality research publications
- Job specification: To carry out biosystematics studies, documentation, digitization and curation of herbarium
How to apply:
- The application has to be submitted only on prescribed proforma. This advertisement alongwith the application format is available on our website: www.nbri.res.in. The application form may be downloaded from the website and used for applying for the above post(s).
- Duly filled in application form, complete in all respect along with an application fee in the form of crossed Demand Draft for Rs.100/- (Non-Refundable) drawn in favour of “Director, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow” payable at Lucknow and supported by attested copies of certificates of educational qualification, date of birth, experience certificates, community certificate, if any, addressed to the Administrative Officer, NBRI, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001 should reach this office on or before 03.06.2013.
- In case of Universities/Institutes awarding CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades etc., candidates are requested to convert the same into percentage based on the formula as per their University/Institute.
- The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PWD / abroad candidates and regular employees of CSIR are exempted from payment of application fee.
- Candidates of Indian origin settled abroad who are of proven merit as evidenced by their research work, if found suitable for the post may be considered by the Selection Committee, in absentia, on request.
- The envelope containing the application should be superscribed “Application for the post of……………….(Post code .……… Area …………..…………)". Candidates are advised to send their application by speed post or registered post.
- Canvassing in any form or bringing of any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification.
- Applications from employees of Government Departments will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel, certified by the employer that the applicant, if selected will be relieved within one month of the receipt of the appointment orders. Also, vigilance clearance should also be recorded. However, advance copy of the application may be submitted before the closing date. Applications routed through proper channel should reach CSIR-NBRI at the earliest.
- The decision of the NBRI/CSIR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, and conduct of interview will be final and binding on the candidates and no interim enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or agency on behalf of candidate.
Following documents must be attached along with application form sent by post:
a. Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- as application fee, where applicable.
b. Coloured photograph pasted on the form and signed across in full.
c. Self attested photocopy of Date of Birth Certificate.
d. Self attested photocopies of educational qualifications certificates.
e. Self attested photocopy of caste certificate, if applicable.
f. Self attested photocopies of experience certificates, if any