The International SIGNALIFE PhD program of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis is currently accepting applications for eighteen 3-year PhD positions which will start in September 2013.
The Labex (Laboratory of Excellence) SIGNALIFE is a collaborative research program in Life Sciences at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis financed by the Excellence Initiative of the French Ministry of Research. SIGNALIFE involves the leading research laboratories of the area and supports 49 top-level research teams grouped around five major topics relating to cell signaling:
1 - Cellular architecture of signaling pathways
2 - Plasticity and Signaling
3 - Stress Signaling
4 -Signaling in aging and disease progression
5 - New principles in signaling and applications
Successful candidates will enroll at the Graduate School of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (Life Sciences and Health Doctoral School ). This University is a major interdisciplinary campus with over 25 000 students on the French Riviera in the South of France and has state-of-the-art facilities for biomedical and basic research.
Application procedure
Candidates must have achieved academic excellence and be highly motivated to pursue a PhD project in one of the above research areas. Applicants must hold or receive, before enrollment in the program, a university degree that qualifies them to enter a PhD or equivalent program such as a Masters 2 diploma. A minimum of 6 months laboratory experience is essential.
The online PhD application form in English should be completed (see PhD application form) by May 12th, 2013. In addition to the completed form, copies of diplomas and a certified transcript (including grades) of course work should be uploaded as a single pdf in the PhD Application Form and also sent as printed copies to the following postal address :
International PhD Program
Konstanze Beck
Institut de Biologie Valrose
Centre de Biochimie
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Parc Valrose
06108 Nice Cedex 2
Letters of recommendation
We require two recommendations written preferentially in English (but can also be in French) using downloaded PhD Evaluation Forms which should be sent to by supervisors commenting on your laboratory experience and skills. These evaluation forms should be signed and sent DIRECTLY by the supervisors (see PhD evaluation form). Please advise the persons who will submit the letters to clearly label your name in the email subject. Only the SIGNALIFE PhD evaluation forms will be accepted.
IN SUMMARY the application procedure for the PhD program must be written in English and include:
- PhD Application Form (online)
- Copies of Diplomas and certified transcript of courses (on line upload as a single file and by regular mail)
- PhD Evaluation Form (emailed by supervisors)
Selection procedure
- Pre-selection : the SIGNALIFE selection committee will shortlist ~30 candidates who will receive an invitation to visit the campus (2-day visit).
- Interview/on-site visit : Selected applicants will meet the SIGNALIFE selection committee for an onsite interview and visit. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by SIGNALIFE. Applicants from outside the European Union may also be interviewed by video conference.
- Final selection : The selection committee will rank applicants at the end of the visit. Acceptance letters will be sent immediately to the top candidates, who will be asked to respond within 2 weeks.
Assignment of the PhD Thesis Supervisor
Upon acceptance in the program, students will receive a list of proposed research (PhD) subjects from the participating labs and will be asked to list his/her 5 choices. The selection committee will assign the student to three labs for one-month rotations (October-December) taking into account the students priorities. At the end of these rotations, the student will be asked to choose where he/she wishes to carry out his/her thesis research.
Other PhD program activities
Our program offers a comprehensive package of additional training activities throughout the duration of the thesis to provide students with a range of skills important for a successful career in science. All classes will be in English:
- Scientific communication, writing skills, grant writing, career development etc.
- Workshops
- Practical training courses in France and Europe
- Lectures given by invited scientific experts
- Summer schools
Deadlines for application and selection
- Applications should be made on line by May 12th, 2013 at the latest.
- The 2 reference letters for each candidate should be sent by the referees to by May 12th, 2013.
- Pre-selection of applicants and invitation to visit the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis : May 30th, 2013.
- Candidate’s on-site visit/interview: mid-June, 2013.
- Final ranking and acceptance letter: End-June 2013.
- Student’s acceptance at the latest 2 weeks thereafter.
- Start of PhD thesis: End of September 2013.
Thesis funding
Duration: The PhD thesis funding is for three years.
The arrival and installation of each student will be aided and accompanied by a dedicated PhD Program Officer, who will provide practical, administrative and scientific advices with respect to the institutions and local authorities (i.e. lodging, visa, social security, bank account, etc.).
Studentship: The monthly salary will be 2000 € and provides social benefits. In addition, an installation allowance of 1700 € upon arrival will be provided to each student.