Certificate Course in Laboratory Animal Science (CCLAS)
Jointly organised by TANUVAS, CPCSEA, NIAW and LASA India
Date: April 28- May 09, 2014
Venue: National Institute of Animal Welfare, Ballabhgarh, Haryana.
Introduction :
The certificate Course in Laboratory Animal Science was conceptualised and MoU was signed amongst TANUVAS, CPCSEA, NIAW and LASA India during the LASA Conference in Hyderabad in Feb. 2013. The first course was conducted in Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai during September 14- 23, 2013. The first batch of 29 participants has successfully completed the course. The faculty for the course included experts from University Autonomous of Barcelona, Spain, Oxford University, UK, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, LASA India and various other experts from India. The second course is scheduled to be conducted at NIAW, Ballabhgarh, Haryana starting from 28th of April 2014. The objective of this certificate course is to meet the quality standards prescribed by the FELASA (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Association) Category ‘C’ and impart training to the scientists involved in using the laboratory animals for research in India. This training program is intended to provide the foundation for responsible use of laboratory animals and achievement of high scientific standards and enable the scientists to be fully competent to undertake animal work on their own responsibility.
Course Content:
The course is designed to impart theoretical knowledge and provide practical exposure to the participants in laboratory animal science and management as per the requirements of FELASA 'C' certification. The syllabus includes Biology and Husbandry of laboratory animals, Microbiology and Diseases of laboratory animals, Health Hazards and Safe practices in the animal house, Design and Conduct of animal experiments, Anaesthesia, Analgesia and Experimental procedures, Alternatives to animal use, Analysis of Scientific literature and Ethical aspects and Legislation. The participants will be evaluated for their competencies at the end of course before issuing the course completion certificate.
Who can Apply?
Essential Qualification: The participant should have an undergraduate degree in Veterinary/Medical Sciences or postgraduate degree in Life sciences and minimum three years of experience in handling the laboratory animals for research and having permanent position in laboratory animal house management and/or experimentation.
How to Apply?
The participants are requested to fill in the application form in the format enclosed and send the hard copy of the form through proper channel to reach the ‘Organizing Secretary, Certificate Course in Laboratory Animal Science, National Institute of Animal Welfare (NIAW), Ministry of
Environment & Forests, 42 KM Stone, Delhi-Agra Highway, NH-2, Ballabhgarh, Haryana - 121 004 on or before Monday, March 03, 2014. Scanned copy of the duly signed and forwarded application may be mailed to the Organising Secretary by email (niaw.moef@gmail.com) as an advance copy. Course fee will be Rs. 15,000/- for participants working in Government institutes and Rs. 30,000/- for participants working in non-government employees or private institutes. Applications received after deadline or with incomplete details or not forwarded through proper channel/ official procedure will not be entertained. Selected candidates will be intimated about their selection by second week of March 2014 through e-mail/ written communication upon which they should promptly send their confirmation and course fee by DD or by electronic mode as per the instructions in selection letter and / or email.
Deadline : 03.03.14
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